Wonosobo Young Farmers Succeed in Raising Sheep (UTL Coverage in the 2023 Agricultural Census) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Wonosobo Young Farmers Succeed in Raising Sheep (UTL Coverage in the 2023 Agricultural Census)

Wonosobo Young Farmers Succeed in Raising Sheep (UTL Coverage in the 2023 Agricultural Census)

June 3, 2023 | BPS Activities


Miftah Farit, a young man from Wonosobo, Central Java, and his group of friends have succeeded in raising sheep. There are approximately 250 sheep of various types managed by this young farmer group who are members of the Wulungsari Young Farm. In the 2023 Agricultural Census, the activities carried out by Miftah and his group include Other Agricultural Businesses (UTL).

Then, what is the difference between UPB, UTL, and UTP?

Legally incorporated agricultural company business (UPB) is any form of business that runs a type of business in the agricultural sector that is permanent, continuous in nature, established with the aim of obtaining profit, the establishment of which is protected by law or permission from the competent authority, at least at the district/city level. UPB is generally a large company engaged in agriculture.

Other Agricultural Business (UTL) is an agricultural business by neither an individual nor an agricultural company formed on the basis of common interests, similar environmental conditions, social/economic/resources and familiarity.

UTL can be in the form of farmer groups, Islamic boarding schools, government offices, and the like that manage joint agricultural businesses on the same land where the results are partially or wholly to be sold or exchanged.

Individual Agricultural Business (UTP) is an agricultural business unit managed by one person who has technical, juridical and economic responsibility for the agricultural unit.

UTP are farmers in general that we know who work on agriculture where the results are part or all to be sold or exchanged.

#Agricultural Census
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