“One Data on Social Protection and Community Empowerment Programs” - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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“One Data on Social Protection and Community Empowerment Programs”

“One Data on Social Protection and Community Empowerment Programs”

September 16, 2022 | BPS Activities

Carrying the grand narrative of “Recording to Build the Nation”, the 2022 Central Java Regional Coordination Meeting for Regsosek in Solo (13/9) discussed strategy formulation and implementation risk mitigation and was ready to collaborate and synergize for a more prosperous Central Java.

Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) is a system and database of the entire population consisting of profiles, social, economic conditions, and welfare levels that are linked to population master data and other databases up to the village/kelurahan level.

Head of BPS Central Java Province Adhi Wiriana explained that in this Regsosek activity, BPS does not run alone, but BPS builds collaboration with various related Ministries/Institutions/Regional Agencies. In this collaboration, BPS took the lead by coordinating initial data collection, standardizing methodologies, managing data collection and updating Regsosek, as well as sectoral statistical development activities. Thus, it is hoped that the quality of Regsosek data can be well maintained to meet the various needs of future government programs.

Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information, Dr. eng. Imam Machdi M.T. in his direction emphasized that Regsosek is a super priority activity that is prepared in the short term, so special strategies and risk mitigation are needed in each stage of the 2022 Regsosek Initial Data Collection activity.
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