International Youth Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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International Youth Day

International Youth Day

August 12, 2020 | Other Activities

Youth is the Hope of the Nation

From the pre-independence era to the industrial era 4.0, young people have always had a very big role. This role is more clearly evident when Indonesia was at the demographic bonus period.

The potential of youth must be properly developed for the progress of the nation. Hoping that in the future, the contribution of the young people of this nation's hopes will further make Indonesia more advanced, equal to other nations. The droplets of the youths' sweat, the limitless creativity, the tenacious soul and the many intellect of the youth will be the prime movers of the nation.

Not only many styles, but also full of work. Not only creating sensations, but also scoring many achievements. That's the Indonesian youth.

Congratulations #InternationalYouthDay, Youth Engagement for Global Action!

Approximately how many young Indonesians will be in 2020?

Come on #SahabatData, let's support the implementation of #SP2020 in September

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