The current economic pattern of the city has shifted, is no longer dominant in the agricultural sector, but has begun to shift to services, so the role of distribution and service statistics will increasingly be in the spotlight.
For this reason, the quality of distribution statistics must be well guarded to maintain public confidence in BPS data.
That was the direction of the Head of BPS of Central Java Province which was delivered in the final session of the Technical Guidance for Tourism Statistics and Price Statistics.
Bimtek which is held for 2 effective days is designed to refresh material on various surveys conducted in the field of distribution statistics.
There are more than 30 routine surveys of distribution statistics in Central Java, so that the bimtek activity is expected to increase the understanding of districts / cities regarding the essence of statistical survey surveys that have been carried out so as to oversee the quality of BPS data to be better.
This Bimtek was published by the head of section and distribution section staff of 35 BPS Kab / Cities in Central Java. Some Regencies / Cities while sending additional participants with independent costs to be able to attend this bimtek. Incredible enthusiasm for learning ... This is our sponsored section for the country.
You can also contribute too, you know ... enough by being willing and answering questions honestly and openly being approved as BPS respondents ..
So are you ready to join us? 📝 agitadewi
#cintadata movements
# tourism statistics
#export Import