Focus Group Discussion FGD on Table I - O, Central Java - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Focus Group Discussion FGD on Table I - O, Central Java

Focus Group Discussion FGD on Table I - O, Central Java

August 20, 2019 | BPS Activities

Focus Group Discussion FGD on Table I - O, Central Java

Friends of the Statistics do you know that economic inequality between regions is a major public relations issue in the national economy? To be able to parse information needed between regions. This information is used as a basis for increasing regional potential. One of the information needed to answer regional potential is provided by the Regional Inter Output Output (IRIO) Table. The IRIO table presents the interrelationships and inter-linkages between sectors in finance between regions in Indonesia.

One supporting IRIO data is trade between regions. Data on trade between regions is difficult to obtain because there are no records of leaving an area. For that, information is needed from the requested in order to obtain the desired information.

For this reason, Central Java Province BPS invites business actors engaged in inter-regional trade in the format of the FGD for the preparation of Input-Output Tables. The FGD was held on Tuesday, 8/20/2019 at MG Setos Hotel with the theme "Strengthening Inter-Regional Trade to Trade the Central Java Economy 7 Percent." The event was opened by the Director of Production Balance, Setyanto, SE, M.Sc. After the opening was opened with the opening and discussion with the Head of BPS Central Java Province, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, MA and Deputy Director of OJK Financial Institution Supervision, Uun Ulyana. With the moderator as Head of Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis of BPS in Central Java Province Samiran, S.Si, MT. (KJ: at @ n @ dwiS, Photo: Ai)

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