Mapping and Updating of the Wilkerstat Load SP2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Mapping and Updating of the Wilkerstat Load SP2020

Mapping and Updating of the Wilkerstat Load SP2020

August 14, 2019 | BPS Activities

# Friends of Statistics
The SP2020 Setup and Final Processing Program has been installed recently. Field mapping activities to determine sls boundary points and infrastructure boundary points have been completed. The process of making digital maps of border points and infrastructure points has also been completed. The next step is reconciliation of boundaries between provinces in Java and continued with reconciliation of boundaries between districts / cities in Central Java.

The reconciliation of boundaries between provinces in Java was carried out in early August 2019 at the 5th floor of BPS in Central Java Province.
As a follow up of the activity of reconciliation of inter-provincial boundaries across Java Island is the implementation of reconciliation of regency / city boundaries in Central Java Province (14-16 / 8) located in the 5th floor hall of BPS in Central Java Province. The reconciliation program was opened by the head of BPS in Central Java Province, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, M.A.

# Friends of Statistics, reconciliation of regency / city boundaries in Central Java Province is carried out with the aim of producing a quality digital map of territorial territories, there are no gaps and overlaps between regions. 📝 [KJ, dyast]

# Population Census2020
# SP2020
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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