Preparation for Release of GRDP, ITK, ITB 2nd Quarter 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Preparation for Release of GRDP, ITK, ITB 2nd Quarter 2019

Preparation for Release of GRDP, ITK, ITB 2nd Quarter 2019

July 28, 2019 | BPS Activities

Preparation for Release of GRDP, ITK, ITB 2nd Quarter 2019

Quarter 2 has passed. That is our sign that the Central Java Provincial Statistical Analysis Team must immediately calculate the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) quarter 2. Not only the GRDP we calculate but the Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) and Business Tendency Index (ITB) cannot be obtained from observations us.

Our team continues to explore data from fields in BPS that publish categories in the GRDP. We also collect sectoral support data from the institution. We mix it, we process it and we fry it so it is presented in accordance with Central Java in the 2nd quarter of 2019.

Phenomena that occur overseas, in Indonesia, between provinces and within provinces complement our calculations. To synchronize with data that has been collected.

Friday (7/26) was our meeting which led to the discussion of the numbers we had calculated. The area of ​​Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis of BPS in Central Java Province witnessed our discussion.
We will release this dish in early August 2019. Wait for it at [Release], 📝 [KJ, at @ n @ dwiS]

# releasebps
# releasepdrb
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