4.0 Industrial Revolution in the Digital Age - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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4.0 Industrial Revolution in the Digital Age

4.0 Industrial Revolution in the Digital Age

July 23, 2019 | BPS Activities

4.0 Industrial Revolution in the Digital Age

The Central Statistics Agency does not want to consider a coup in the current digital era. All surveys are aimed at digital, one of the shows using CAPI (Computer Assisred Personalized Interview) several surveys that have used this application include Podes, E-Commerce, Horticultural surveys and the latest is BCS

Want to know what BCS is? Kepoin continues to the bottom huh

Located at the Grand Mercure Hotel, Jl Laksda Adisucipto No 60, Yogyakarta, a Training of National Instructors for the Implementation of Information and Communication Technology (P2TIK) Training for Business Instructors / Business Characteristics Survey (BSC) was held.

The purpose of this survey is to meet the needs of data users for the approval of various ICT statistical data, obtain an overview of the use and use of ICT, to obtain indicators of business ownership, indicators, basic indicators of ICT and as a basis for decision making for stakeholders

The opening ceremony for the National Instructor training was attended by 45 participants from all provinces in Indonesia, on this occasion in Central Java sent three people representing them namely Ade Sandi, Yusnita Dewanti and Dwi Indriastuti

The training was officially opened by Deputy of Distribution Statistics Ms. Yunita Rusanti, in her speech she said, "BPS must be able to accept every change in this digital age, although there will be many challenges that will succeed, do not be easily eliminated, do not despair, immediately find a solution, do the best and don't forget to be happy "
📝: dwiindri
  : BSS Documentation

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