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July 19, 2019 | Other Activities
#SahabatStatistik, shallots are one of the important commodities in the horticulture subsector which supplies supplies and prices must be supplemented. In March 2019, onion trade reached 11.62%. One instrument that can provide data on these commodities quickly and accurately is the 2019 Potential Horticulture Survey (SHOPI2019). In addition to calculating shallots production SHOPI2019, the interview method of counting households also measures shallot income through braid activities in various regions. One of the areas approved was Demak Regency. On Thursday Thursday (July 18, 2019), red onion tiles had been carried out in Mulyorejo Village, Demak District, Demak Regency. The implementation of this fabric was accelerated with supervision of SHOPI2019 by Sestama and Director of BPS Statistics on Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation and accompanied by the Head of BPS Production Statistics of Central Java Province. 📝KJ isk @ nd 📷 @haiqaniken