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May 11, 2019 | Other Activities

May is the month of admission of new students to the STIS Statistics Polytechnic (STST POLSTAT). Since registration opened in April 2019, the enthusiasm of registrants was very high. The number of registrants throughout Indonesia reached 15,856 participants, while the number of participants taking the test in Central Java was 942 participants.
The implementation of the Computer-based Entrance Examination (UMBK) of Polstat STIS was divided into several waves over 3 days, starting on Saturday (5/13) to Monday (5/15), taking place in 3 places namely Stikubank University (Saturday-Sunday) totaling 764 participants , Central Java Province BKD CAT Building (Saturday) as many as 139 participants and in Central Java Province BPS Office (Monday) as many as 39 participants.
In this exam, participants had to do 60 math questions in 90 minutes using a computer.

Friends of Statistics, we wish you all the best siblings who succeeded in taking the exam this time. (KJ o.dw, Photo: o.dw, hl)
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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