INDONESIA DEMOCRACY INDEX - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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April 24, 2019 | BPS Activities

A Glance at Indonesia's DEMOCRACY INDEX

if I had one hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution [Albert Einstein]

IDI is a composite indicator that shows the level of democratic development in each province in Indonesia. The data obtained from IDI can help study the development of democracy and democratization in every province in Indonesia.

IDI data was collected using two methods of approach, namely quantitative (newspaper and document review) and qualitative (Focus Group Discussion / FGD and In-depth Interviews / WM). In the FGD, the results of newspaper and document review are used as a reference to clarify the news / data, and explore data that is very likely missed by the newspaper.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 09.00 WIB at the Novotel Hotel, Semarang Central Java, the opening of the 2018 IDI FGD was held in Central Java Province. The event which was officially opened by the Head of BPS of Central Java Province, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, MA, was also attended by Dewi Sri Soetijaningsih, SE, M.Si (Ministry of PPN / Bappenas) and Ibnu Kuncoro, SE, MM (Central Java Province Kesbangpol Agency ). The IDI FGD was held for two days from 23 to 24 April 2019 with participants from the Central Java Province OPD-OPD, Central Java Regional Police, political parties, NGOs, universities, religious institutions and from the Suara Merdeka newspaper. Acting as the FGD facilitator was Martin Suanta, SE, M.Si (Head of Social Statistics). Does #SahabatStatistik want to know the development aspects of civil liberties in Central Java? The development of aspects of political rights or the development of aspects of democratic institutions in Central Java? Simply download the publication of IDI Central Java Province (KJ: 📝mirayu, 📷 novianto wijoko, herlina, m321y)

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