Supervision of Field Supervision of SHPB and SHKK - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Supervision of Field Supervision of SHPB and SHKK

Supervision of Field Supervision of SHPB and SHKK

April 3, 2019 | BPS Activities

In order to maximize the quality monitoring role of the BPS Province, Distribution Statistics Division on March 26, April 2, 2019 then carry out supervision of field supervision of the Large Trade Price Survey (SHPB) and the Construction Cost Price Survey (SHKK) in 4 Regencies / Cities, namely Brebes Regency, Tegal City, Karanganyar Regency and Kudus Regency.

SHPB supervision is carried out to ensure complete enumeration of the base year price before the release of IHPB in the base year 2018=100. Meanwhile, SHKK supervision is carried out to ensure comparability of prices and quality between time and between regions ahead of the upcoming IKK Central Java reconciliation on 11-15 April 2019.

IHPB measures the average intertemporal price changes of the package type of goods at the large trading level and is one indicator to better see price movements as material for market and monetary analysis. While IKK describes the expensive level of district / city construction and is one of the main components used for calculating the General Allocation Fund (DAU). Well, BPS, which previously only released national wholesale IHPB and inflation figures, after the base year turnover, the plan will also be to also release provincial figures.

So, if #SahabatStatistik wants to know the development of Jawa Tengah IHPB and IKK, look forward to our next update ...
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