Banyumas Regency in Simultaneous Consultation on Business Field GRDP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Banyumas Regency in Simultaneous Consultation on Business Field GRDP

Banyumas Regency in Simultaneous Consultation on Business Field GRDP

March 27, 2019 | BPS Activities

In 2017, Banyumas Regency was the region with the highest economic growth in Jawa Tengah with a growth of 6.34%.
How about this year? Did Banyumas manage to maintain growth at levels above 6%?

Meanwhile, at Artos
Hotel Magelang Regency, Nana (greeting from Septiana Tri Setyowati, Head of Regional Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis Section of Banyumas Regency) is still eager to look at supporting data on Simultaneous Consultation of Business Field GRDP. The activity that took place on March 24-29 2019 did not only involve Banyumas Regency, but also all districts / cities in Central Java Province.

Keep it up, Nana.
For economic growth that is more accurate and 'credible'. 'Zero discrepancy' greetings.
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