Workshop on Introduction to Big Data and Utilization of R Applications - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Workshop on Introduction to Big Data and Utilization of R Applications

Workshop on Introduction to Big Data and Utilization of R Applications

March 19, 2019 | Other Activities

The most useful knowledge is knowledge shared. That is exactly the right phrase for the two mentors of the Workshop on Introduction to Big Data and the Utilization of Applications. The two people are Hendrawan Toni Taruno-statistics from the Regional Balance and Statistical Analysis (NWAS) Field - as well as Pristiana Diah Ariyantika-statistics from the IPDS-Field. .
They became mentors for employees in the Central Java Province BPS after they participated in the Big Data Analysis training with Application R in the BPS Pusdiklat for 10 days in last February-March. .
The event, which was opened by the Head of the NWAS, Samiran, was held at the Central Java Provincial BPS Hall on Tuesday (3/19). The participants were quite enthusiastic considering that big data is a topic that is still 'hitz' to be discussed. Especially in this workshop participants were invited to directly analyze the data from the 'forest' called the internet with the R application.
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