"Sustainable Rural and Regional Development" International Conference - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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"Sustainable Rural and Regional Development" International Conference

"Sustainable Rural and Regional Development" International Conference

December 11, 2018 | Other Activities

Tuesday (11/12), Three employees of BPS, Kab. Kendal became the speaker at the "SUSTAINABLE RURAL AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT" INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. The event took place at Grand Artos Hotel And Convention, Magelang. The three speakers are:
1. Hendrawan Toni Taruno, S.ST, MA with the paper "Economic Growth and Public Spending on Poverty Reduction in Indonesia 2009-2018"
2. Riyan Zulmaniar Vinahari, S.ST with the paper title "Analysis of Farmer Households Food Security and Nutrition in Rural Areas of Central Java Province"
3. Eli Sufiati, SE with the paper title "Analysis of the Sector of Coastal District / Cities In Central Java Province"
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