Podes Results Talkshow: Building Indonesia from the Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Podes Results Talkshow: Building Indonesia from the Village

Podes Results Talkshow: Building Indonesia from the Village

December 10, 2018 | BPS Activities

"Podes is rich, there is a lot of information," said Harmawanti Marhaeni, who began the talkshow on collecting data on village potential (podes) in Building 1, BPS (10/12). The talkshow that presents some of these speakers is set in rural nuances. Accompanied by the chirping of birds, sitting on bamboo chairs, various market snacks, as well as hot coffee and tea available at the stall "Mbak Marni" ready to serve the speakers who order drinks while chatting. Before the talkshow, the audience was entertained by theatrical performances of graduates of the STIS-Statistics Polytechnic who shared the opportunities and potential of life in the village.

Commercial tourist attraction in the village rose by 46%, increasing from 3,360 to 4,920 villages. There are also 27,657 villages that have superior products. This means that besides tourism, there are superior products that can be exported. "Indirectly the economic potential of the village is currently increasing. So there is no need to worry about staying in the village, there are many that can be developed there, "said Harmawanti. The talkshow, moderated by Prita Laura, presented two village heads who were considered successful in building their villages; I Made Dwi Sutaryantha (Head of Peliatan Village, Ubud, Gianyar) and Udi Hartoko (Head of Pujon Kidul Village, Malang). "People think that living in the village is left behind. But now we can contribute. We manage the garbage that pollutes the river, we use organic waste for fertilizer. Now the turnover has reached five billion, "explained Udi.

While from the ministry, the talkshow presented Sumedi Andono Mulyo (Director of Disadvantaged Regions, Transmigration, and Rural Bappenas) and Ivanovich Agusta (Head of Pusdatin, Ministry of Village PDTT). Ivanovich hopes that in the future communication and integration will be established between ministries / institutions to build one village data. While Bappenas emphasized that in the future RPJMN, village development would still be the main stream, only the approach was affirmative, especially in disadvantaged villages. This is where data podes play a role
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