Appreciation of Agricultural Statistics Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Appreciation of Agricultural Statistics Data

Appreciation of Agricultural Statistics Data

October 25, 2018 | BPS Activities

Palembang - "If not us, then who?" exclaimed Endang Tri Wahyuningsih, Head of the BPS of Sumatra Selatan Province to about 300 Head of the Provincial BPS Agricultural Statistics Section and the BPS Regency / City Production Statistics Section Head in Jawa and Sumatra who were present at the Stabilization of Agricultural Statistics and the National Food Security Program at The Zuri Hotel, Palembang, Sumatra Selatan, (23/10). This activity is a continuation of the first wave of the Agricultural Statistics Stabilization activity which was attended by all levels of non-Jawa and Sumatra agricultural statistics that were completed on October 15-19 2018 in Makassar. The activity took place lively with the offerings of the Dance of Tanggai and Dul Muluk Art performed by the ranks of BPS officials from the Sumatra Selatan Province.

Director of Statistics on Food Crops, Horticulture, and Plantations of BPS, Hermanto expressed his pride in the collected production data. "I would like to express my appreciation to all the ranks of the statisticians from the smallest unit. The sweat of hard work will be remembered in the future national food development," he explained. Hermanto at the same time expressed his high appreciation to the President represented by Vice President Jusuf Kalla at a limited meeting attended by the Head of BPS RI, Monday (10/22). The event was opened by Herman Deru, Governor of Sumatra Selatan. "The data must be a guide. Become a compass and GPS to determine the position of development. Give my greetings to all regents and governors if they become leaders, don't listen too politically and input shamans," he said.

The newly appointed Governor also hopes that there will be a more professional synergy between BPS and the Sumatra Selatan Provincial Government because BPS data is needed to support the policies made.
On that occasion, the BPS Jawa Timur Province was awarded as the best performing provincial I BPS for agricultural statistics activities in 2018 in the areas of Jawa and Sumatra. While the BPS Bengkulu Province and BPS Jawa Tengah Province achieved positions 2 and 3.
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