Central Java Publication Compilation in Figures 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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Central Java Publication Compilation in Figures 2018

Central Java Publication Compilation in Figures 2018

May 17, 2018 | Other Activities

In order to fulfill diverse data, both basic statistical data, sectoral statistics, and special statistics according to the mandate of Law No. 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics, the BPS at the central, provincial, district / city level up to the sub-district conduct data preparation activities through Area in Figures (DDA). Efforts to improve the quality of DDA data are carried out through the implementation of the DDA Dissussion Group (FGD) to obtain input and suggestions from data users. Efforts to improve the DDA are in line with the BPS program, which is to make BPS a statistical reference center.
On Wednesday (2/5) and Tuesday (15/5), BPS Prov. Central Java carries out the DDA FGD. The purpose of this FGD, in addition to the ones mentioned above, is also the realization of the Public Consultation Forum as mandated by Permenpan RB Number 16 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Organizing a Public Consultation Forum in the Public Service Provider Unit Environment.
Present at the FGD (15/5) Head of Sub-Directorate of Publication and Statistical Compilation of BPS, Wiwiek Widyati, S.Sos, MM. The FGD led by the Head of the Prov. BPS Province IPDS Central Java @ marsudi64 explained the mechanism for preparing DDA online. SKPD and other data source agencies, through the data the helpers will directly input DDA data through sds.jatengprov.go.id/dda.
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