BPS holds a Video Conference on Sectoral Statistics Development - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Tengah Province

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BPS holds a Video Conference on Sectoral Statistics Development

BPS holds a Video Conference on Sectoral Statistics Development

April 5, 2018 | Other Activities

Wednesday (04/04) BPS held a Video Conference on Sectoral Statistics Development in the Regions with the speaker Head of the Central Statistics Agency, Bp. Dr. Suharyanto.
Participants are BPS Provinces throughout Indonesia by inviting the Head of the Provincial Communication and Information Agency.
In Jawa Tengah, in addition to being attended by the head of the Jawa Tengah Province Diskominfo, Dadang Somantri, there were also several BPS heads and the closest District / City Diskominfo.
The Vicon includes discussing the strategy and synergy of BPS and the Ministry of Communication and Information in implementing sectoral statistical policies. Going forward, Diskominfo as a whole becomes a sectoral statistical statement within the scope of the Regional Government in charge of collecting and managing Data produced by Data Producers, as well as disseminating Data within the scope of Government Agencies.
(📝📷/Humas BPS Prov Jateng/ dw)
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